S2E3: I Had a Miscarriage — Dr. Jessica Zucker, Psychologist and Writer
Highlighting life-changing experiences and their impact on the creative process; I had the honor of speaking with Dr. Jessica Zucker, psychologist, author, and creator of #IHadAMiscarriage.
In this episode, we dive deeper into Dr. Jessica Zucker’s personal journey and the importance of sharing your story. As Jessica mentions, "Sharing our stories allows us to understand that vulnerability is being human, and being human means that we are flawed. And we can be loved and find joy in all of that."
04:34 • Reflecting on Trauma
10:50 • Using Writing To Find Purpose
14:10 • How Therapy Boost Creativity
19:46 • External and Internal Pressure
28:50 • Silence, Stigma, Shame Cycle
41:04 • Why You Must Share Your Story