S2E5: A Love Letter To My Haters — Shehab Awad, Independent Curator and Writer

SHEHAB AWAD — A LOVE LETTER TO MY HATERS  - podcast interview with April Kae

"Our lives and reality are composed of what we choose to notice."


Talking all about the power of gratitude, manifestation, and mindfulness, this week, we’re joined by Shehab Awad. Shehab is an independent curator and writer based in New York City. He/she highlights queer and marginalized practices, and her/his writing has appeared in a variety of publications, including the Brooklyn Rail and ArtAsiaPacific Magazine. Shehab is also the Founding Director of Executive Care, a non-profit launching in Spring 2022 that aims to end artist exploitation. 


01:10 • Fueling Creativity

09:20 • The Struggling Artist Taboo

20:49 • Growing From Discomfort

28:45 • Keeping Your Haters Close

35:32 • Manifestation And Magic 

41:02 • You Are Not Your Trauma 

47:39 • Resources All Artists Need

54:28 • It's Important To Be Gracious


S2E6: Learn To Say No — Minaa B., Therapist and Writer


S2E4: How To Stop Running In Circles — Marco Pave, Hip-Hop Artist and Activist