S2E6: Learn To Say No — Minaa B., Therapist and Writer

MINAA B — LEARN TO SAY NO - podcast interview with April Kae

Are you struggling with burnout—because you haven’t cultivated healthy boundaries?

Today we're joined by Minaa B, a wellness coach, therapist, writer, and mental health educator, regularly featured in Ebony, Vogue, and Bustle. Minaa highlights the importance of recognizing your limitations and describes why it’s crucial to incorporate your feelings into your creative work.

01:05 • the Person Behind the Bio

07:40 • How To Set Boundaries

19:50 • Key Questions for Creatives

23:00 • Finding Social Media Balance

34:26 • Ways To Deal With Pushback

43:45 • Emotions Enhance Creativity

CW: 01:05-07:40 discusses suicide and depression


S27: How to Curate a Community — Julian Gavino, Model and Activist


S2E5: A Love Letter To My Haters — Shehab Awad, Independent Curator and Writer